Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ General Catalog: College Catalog 2021-2022 Program: Cosmetology, A.A.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Cosmetology, A.A.S.

Total degree hours: 75

The AAS in Cosmetology is designed both to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the exam for licensure as a cosmetologist and to earn general education credits for a more well-rounded course of study. The program’s learning outcomes focus on sanitation practices, haircutting and styling, chemical uses in the salon, and skin and nail care.  Students demonstrate professionalism in the workplace, a sound understanding of ethical business practices, and communication with clients. (Catalog)

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Take a practical board exam, which includes: demonstrating proper disinfection and sanitation practices for all disciplines within their scope of practice.
  2. Take a written board exam, which includes assessment on the following concepts: theoretical knowledge on ethics, image, historical, hair and scalp, skin, chemical texture, color, hairstyling, nail structure, nail diseases, and licensure within their desired scope of practice.
  3. Effectively conduct client consultations that are individualized, sensitive to the scope of service the client desires, and make applicable recommendations for the client’s care plan.
  4. Effectively illustrate proficiency with adapting to a variety of haircuts for both men and women.
  5. Compare, contrast and apply knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages between owning business space, booth rental and commission-based models in the industry when researching employment opportunities.
  6. Illustrate and apply professional employability skills, such as the importance of being timely and effective scheduling techniques.
  7. Research, identify and integrate cutting edge and currently trending haircuts for men and women, including the following techniques: analyzation of the hair, scalp and facial shape, waving, coloring, facials, makeup selection and application, facial hair removal, manicuring, pedicuring, and artificial nail application.

General Education: (15 credits)

Written Communication: (3 Credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 115 - Technical English and Communication Credits: 3(3-0)

     or higher level ENG course

Oral Communication: (3 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
COM 115 - Public Speaking Credits: 3(3-0)

Mathematics: (3 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
MAT 107 - Career Math Credits: 3(3-0)

     or higher level MAT course


A minimum of six (6) additional credit hours from the following list of approved general education courses:


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ACC 121 - Accounting Principles I or higher Credits: 4(3-1)
ART 110 - Art Appreciation: GT-AH1 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
BIO 105 - Science of Biology: GT-SC1 or higher Credits: 4(3-1)
BUS 115 - Introduction to Business or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
CHE 101 - Introduction to Chemistry I: GT-SC1 or higher Credits: 5(3-2)
CIS 110 - Introduction to the PC or higher Credits: 1(1-0)
COM 125 - Interpersonal Communication or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics: GT-SS1 Credits: 3(3-0)
ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics: GT-SS1 Credits: 3(3-0)
EDU 221 - Introduction to Education or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
ENG 121 - English Composition I: GT-CO1 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
GEO 105 - World Regional Geography: GT-SS2 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
HIS 101 - History of Western Civilization I: GT-HI1 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
HUM 121 - Humanities: Early Civilization: GT-AH2 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
JOU 105 - Intro to Mass Media: GT-SS3 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
LIT 115 - Introduction to Literature I: GT-AH2 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
MAN 116 - Principles of Supervision or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
MAR 111 - Principles of Sales or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
MAT 108 - Technical Mathematics or higher Credits: 4(4-0)
MUS 120 - Music Appreciation: GT-AH1 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
PED 100 - Fitness Concepts or higher (max. of 4 credits) Credits: 1(0-1)
PHI 111 - Introduction to Philosophy: GT-AH3 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
PHY 105 - Conceptual Physics with Lab: GT-SC1 or higher Credits: 4(2-2)
POS 105 - Introduction to Political Science: GT-SS1 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
PSY 101 - General Psychology I: GT-SS3 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology I: GT-SS3 or higher Credits: 3(3-0)

Other gtPathways (GT) courses are available through CCCOnline

Required Courses: (60 credits)


Fall Semester: (20 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
COS 103 - Shampoo/Rinses/Conditioners I Credits: 1(.5-.5)
COS 110 - Introduction to Hair Coloring Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 111 - Intermediate: Hair Coloring Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 120 - Introduction to Hair Cutting Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 130 - Introduction to Hair Styling Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 131 - Intermediate I: Hair Styling Credits: 2(0-2)
COS 140 - Introduction to Chemical Texture Credits: 1(.5-.5)
COS 210 - Intermediate II: Hair Coloring Credits: 2(0-2)
COS 220 - Intermediate II: Haircutting Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 230 - Intermediate II: Hair Styling Credits: 2(0-2)
COS 121 - Intermediate I: Haircutting Credits: 2(1-1)

Spring Semester: (20 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
COS 141 - Intermediate I: Chemical Texture Credits: 1(.5-.5)
COS 203 - Intermediate I: Hair and Scalp Credits: 1(0-1)
COS 211 - Advanced Hair Coloring Credits: 2(0-2)
COS 221 - Advanced Hair Cutting Credits: 2(0-2)
COS 231 - Advanced Hair Styling Credits: 1(0-1)
COS 240 - Intermediate II: Chemical Texture Credits: 1(0-1)
COS 241 - Advanced Chemical Texture Credits: 1(0-1)
EST 110 - Introduction to Skin Care Credits: 3(1-2)
EST 111 - Intermediate Skin Care Credits: 2(1-1)
EST 210 - Advanced Skin Care Credits: 2(0-2)
EST 211 - Make-up for Skin Care Professionals Credits: 1(.5-.5)
EST 212 - Hair Removal Credits: 3(.5-2.5)

Summer Semester: (20 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
COS 150 - Laws, Rules and Regulations Credits: 1(1-0)
COS 160 - Introduction to Disinfection, Sanitation and Safety Credits: 2(.5-1.5)
COS 161 - Intermediate I: Infection Control and Prevention Credits: 1(.5-.5)
COS 250 - Business Management /Personal Skills/Ethics Credits: 1(.5-.5)
COS 260 - Intermediate II: Infection Control and Prevention Credits: 2(1-1)
COS 261 - Advanced Infection Control and Prevention Credits: 1(0-1)
NAT 110 - Introduction to Nail Care Credits: 3(1-2)
NAT 111 - Intermediate I: Nail Care Credits: 2(1-1)
NAT 210 - Advanced Nail Care Credits: 2(0-2)
NAT 211 - Application of Nail Enhancements Credits: 5(2-3)