Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ General Catalog: College Catalog 2023-24 Program: Construction Trades Essentials Certificate Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Construction Trades Essentials Certificate

Total certificate hours: 16

The Construction Trades Essentials Certificate provides entry-level as well as upgrading skills courses for a solid foundation in construction. This certificate includes an introduction to carpentry, computer-aided drafting, hand and power tools, and OSHA industry standards, all while getting plenty of hands-on experience.



Required courses: (16 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
CAD 1101 - Computer-Aided Drafting I Credits: 3(2-1)
CAR 1000 - Introduction to Carpentry Credits: 1 (1-0)
CAR 1003 - Carpentry Basics Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 1070 - Clinical Construction Lab I Credits: 4 (0-4)
COM 1150 - Public Speaking Credits: 3(3-0)


COM 1250 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: 3(3-0)
OSH 1310 - 10-HR Construction Industry Standards Credits: 1 (1-0)