Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ General Catalog: College Catalog 2023-24 Program: Construction Trades Interior Building Certificate Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Construction Trades Interior Building Certificate

Total certificate hours:  16

This certificate provides entry-level as well as upgrading skills courses for a solid foundation of interior building remodeling and new construction methods. This certificate includes hands-on learning of renovation of existing spaces to include design elements and estimations of costs, drywall installation, interior door installation, and the selection and application of interior trim choices. 

Program Prerequisites: Successful completion of Essentials Certificate and Exterior Certificate or instructor permission required to enter Interior Building Certificate.

Required Courses: (16 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
BUS 1015 - Introduction to Business Credits: 3(3-0)
CAR 1036 - Remodeling, Renovation, and Additions Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 1045 - Interior Finishes - General Credits: 1 (0-1)
CAR 1047 - Interior Carpentry Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 2070 - Clinical: Construction Lab I Credits: 4 (0-4)