Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ General Catalog: College Catalog 2024-25 Program: Construction Trades, A.A.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Construction Trades, A.A.S.

Total degree hours: 65

*This program is pending approval of revised curriculum.

This comprehensive two-year degree program prepares students to pursue a variety of professional career opportunities in the construction trades industry. The curriculum stresses a balance of classroom, technical and hands-on learning within the context of the industry’s current practices. By the end of the program students can communicate a sound theoretical understanding of construction practices and demonstrate proficiency in the trades’ skills including (exterior framing, windows & doors, finish work, drywall, document professional, etc.)  and/or with general contractor. Students also demonstrate professionalism in the workplace, a sound understanding of ethical business practices, and communication with clients.

Program graduates will be able to:

  1. Effectively demonstrate proficiency in trades’ skills (exterior framing, windows & doors, finishing work, drywall application).
  2. Illustrate and apply professional employability skills, such as the importance of being timely, project collaboration, and providing quality service to clients/contractors.
  3. Apply knowledge of how to effectively manage a construction project within the scope of current industry trends.
  4. Understand and adhere to industry-approved safety procedures and applicable laws surrounding construction.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to inquire, adapt, and problem-solve throughout the duration of a construction project.
  6. Identify materials for construction projects and estimate costs and quantities.
  7. Locate, identify and interpret nationally accepted code requirements as they apply throughout the duration of a construction project.

General education requirements: (16 credits)

Written Communication: (3 Credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 1015 - Technical English and Communication Credits: 3(3-0)

Oral Communication: (3 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
COM 1250 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: 3(3-0)


COM 1150 - Public Speaking Credits: 3(3-0)

Mathematics: (4 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
MAT 1150 - Technical Mathematics Credits: 4(4-0)

Business: (3 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
BUS 1015 - Introduction to Business Credits: 3(3-0)

General Education Elective (3 credits)

Select 3 credits from the following:


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
AAA 1001 - College 101: The Student Experience Credits: 1 (1-0)
AAA 1009 - Advanced Academic Achievement Credits: 3(3-0)
ACC 1011 - Introduction to Financial Accounting Credits: 3(3-0)
ACC 1012 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting Credits: 3(2-1)
ACC 1021 - Accounting Principles I Credits: 4(3-1)
ACC 1022 - Accounting Principles II Credits: 4(3-1)
ART 1201 - Drawing I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1202 - Drawing II Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1301 - Painting I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1302 - Painting II Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1307 - Watercolor I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1308 - Watercolor II Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1401 - Digital Photography Credits: 3(3-0)
ART 1402 - Film Photography I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1601 - Sculpture I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1602 - Sculpture II Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1604 - Jewelry and Metalwork I Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 1703 - Ceramics I Credits: 3 (1-2)
ART 2407 - Landscape Photography Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 2408 - Studio Photography Credits: 3(1-2)
ART 2603 - Jewelry and Metalwork III Credits: 3 (1-2)
ART 1605 - Jewelry and Metalwork II Credits: 3(1-2)
BUS 2016 - Legal Environment of Business Credits: 3(3-0)
BUS 2017 - Business Communication and Report Writing Credits: 3(3-0)
BUS 2026 - Business Statistics Credits: 3(3-0)
CIS 1015 - Introduction to Computer Information Systems Credits: 3(2-1)
CIS 1018 - Introduction to PC Applications Credits: 3(2-1)
COM 1150 - Public Speaking Credits: 3(3-0)
CRJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice: GT-SS3 Credits: 3(3-0)
HWE 1050 - Human Nutrition Credits: 3(3-0)
HWE 1061 - Fitness and Wellness Credits: 2(2-0)
HWE 1068 - Certified Personal Trainer Preparation Credits: 3(3-0)
HWE 2060 - Exercise, Nutrition, and Body Composition Credits: 3(3-0)
HWE 2061 - Exercise and Sports Psychology Credits: 3 (3-0)
PED 1002 - Weight Training I Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 1003 - Weight Training II Credits: 2(0-2)
PED 1004 - Cross Training Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 1010 - Fitness Center Activity I Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 1011 - Fitness Center Activity II Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 1012 - Fitness Center Activity III Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 1013 - Fitness Center Activity IV Credits: 1(0-1)
PED 2037 - Varsity Sports Credits: 1(0-1)
PHI 1012 - Ethics: GT-AH3 Credits: 3(3-0)
SPA 1001 - Conversational Spanish I Credits: 3(3-0)

Other gtPathways (GT) courses and General Education are available through coloradoonline

Required courses: (42 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
AEC 1600 - Construction Practices and Documents Credits: 2 (1-1)
AEC 2700 - International Building Codes Credits: 3(3-0)
CAD 1101 - Computer-Aided Drafting I Credits: 3(2-1)
CAR 1000 - Introduction to Carpentry Credits: 1 (1-0)
CAR 1003 - Carpentry Basics Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 1023 - Roof Framing Credits: 1(0-1)
CAR 1025 - Roofing Materials and Methods Credits: 1(0-1)
CAR 1030 - Windows and Exterior Doors Credits: 1(0-1)
CAR 1034 - Exterior Finishes and Trim Credits: 4 (3-1)
CAR 1036 - Remodeling, Renovation, and Additions Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 1045 - Interior Finishes - General Credits: 1 (0-1)
CAR 1047 - Interior Carpentry Credits: 4 (2-2)
CAR 1070 - Clinical Construction Lab I Credits: 4 (0-4)
CAR 1071 - Clinical Construction Lab I Credits: 4 (0-4)
CAR 2070 - Clinical: Construction Lab I Credits: 4 (0-4)
OSH 1310 - 10-HR Construction Industry Standards Credits: 1 (1-0)

Electives courses Final Semester: (7 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ARE 2080 - Internship Credits: 1-12


CAR 2071 - Clinical: Construction Lab I Credits: 3 (0-3)


ENY 2890 - Estimating for Energy Credits: 4(1-3)


WEL 1003 - Basic Shielded Metal Arc I Credits: 4(1-3)