Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ General Catalog: College Catalog 2024-25 Program: Emergency Medical Technician Basic Certificate Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Emergency Medical Technician Basic Certificate

Total certificate hours: 12

Successful completion of the Emergency Medical Technician - Basic certificate allows a student to sit for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Basic Exam. The curriculum includes basic trauma and medical assessment as well as treatment of the sick and injured. In most cases, EMS students qualify for partial or full scholarships.

Certificate recipients will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the proper donning and doffing of protective gear appropriate for the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and situation.
  2. Assess, manage and stabilize patients of all ages and demographics with medical and traumatic emergencies.
  3. Perform basic airway management and perform CPR, both 1 and 2 persons for adult, child and infant to Healthcare provider level consistent with American Heart Association guidelines.
  4. Demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of an emergency medical technician (EMT) within the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system.
  5. Demonstrate the knowledge of triage and assigning patients to the appropriate level facility.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to interact with other responders appropriately, including giving and taking advice on patient care.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to interact and collaborate as a member of a team.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to complete a patient care report including summation of treatment provided to the receiving facility or transporting ambulance.
  9. Perform safety management principles at the scene of an emergency.

Required courses: (12 credits)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
EMS 1021 - EMT Fundamentals Credits: 3 (2-1)
EMS 1022 - EMT Medical Emergencies Credits: 4 (4-0)
EMS 1023 - EMT Trauma Emergencies Credits: 2 (2-0)
EMS 1024 - EMT Special Considerations Credits: 2 (2-0)
EMS 1070 - EMT Basic Clinical Credits: 1