State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education
Dr. Russ Meyer, Chair
4th Congressional District (D)
Jean White, Vice Chair
3rd Congressional District (R)
Maury Dobbie
5th Congressional District (R)
Richard Martinez
6th Congressional District (Unaffiliated)
Jim Johnson
5th Congressional District (R)
Dr. Byron McClenney
2nd District (D)
Theresa Pena
At-Large (D)
Presley F. Askew
7th Congressional District (R)
Ken Weil
1st Congressional District (D)
Jean White
3rd Congressional District (R)
Leah Porter
SSAC Representative
Candace Garrod
SFAC Representative
Lamar Community College Advisory Council
Jay Brooke, Lamar
Regina Jo Dorenkamp, Lamar
David Esgar, Wiley
Nikki Johnson, Campo
Gilbert Sprout, Lamar
Marsha Willhite, Holly
Lamar Community College Foundation
Joe Spitz, Chair
George Gotto, Vice Chair
Gary Oxley, Secretary/Treasurer
Susan R. Bergquist
Ty Kemp
Karen Ketcham
Lamar Community College Faculty
Cash, Doug-Welding
Vocational Credential, Colorado Community College System
Cash, Greg-Agriculture
B.S. Oklahoma State University, Vocational Credential Colorado Community College System
Emick, Kelly-History
B.A., Hastings College; M.A., Fort Hays State University
Frankel, Dr. David-English
B.A., Haverford College; M.F.A., Brooklyn College/CUNY; PhD., Binghampton University/SUNY
Henderson, Kathy-Nursing/Director of Nursing and Allied Health
L.P.N., A.D.N., Otero Junior College; B.S.N., University of New Mexico; M.S.N., A.N.P. University of Colorado
Hoffman, Dr. Susan-Biology
B.S., Avila College; Ph.D. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, (Medical Sciences) University of South Florida College of Medicine
Hughes, Jonathan-Sports and Exercise Science/Athletic Health
A.S. Physical Therapist Assistant, Whatcom Community College; B.S. Exercise Science, Central Washington University’ M..S. Exercise Science & Health Promotion, California University of Pennsylvania
King, Kendra-Cosmetology
Cosmetology Certificate, Northwest Kansas Technical College; Vocational Credential, Colorado Community College System
Kravig, Jason-Horse Training & Management
B.S., Oklahoma Panhandle State University; Vocational Credential Colorado Community College System
Massotti, Joseph-Mathematics
B.S., Buffalo State University; M.A., University of New Mexico
Reifschneider, Valerie-Sciences
B.S., West Virginia University; M.Ed., Lesley University
Rydberg, J.J.-Horse Training & Management
B.S., Adams State College
Shields, Joseph-Business
M.A., Adams State College
Tempel, Curtis-Agriculture
B.S. Animal Science, West Texas A&M University
Turner, Mary Ann-Nursing
B.S.N., University of New Mexico; M.S.N., Walden University
Winsor, Nancy-Nursing
B.H.S., University of Missouri; M.S.N. Angelo State University
Young, Becky-Developmental Studies
B.S., M.Ed., Colorado State University
Administrative and Classified Staff
Bair, Ava
Accounts Payable
Bowles, Sue
Nursing Administrative Assistant/Nursing Admissions
Chase, Del
Concurrent Enrollment/ASCENT
Choat, Dorothy
Financial Aid Coordinator
Cleavinger, Aubrie
Crampton, Anne-Marie
Director of Institutional Advancement/Executive Director of LCC Foundation
Crampton, Scott
Athletic Director/Head Baseball Coach
Crown, Michelle
Bookstore Purchasing & Promotions/Business Office Assistant
Davis, Jenna
Admissions Counselor
DeBono, Chad
Vice President of Administrative Services/Institutional Effectiveness
Dieterle, Paula
Administrative Assistant
Dittburner, Jason
Evans, Debbie
Coordinator of Student Account Processes & Operations
Frankel, Susan
Adv. Manufacturing Navigator
Freiberger, Linda
Learning Support Services and Trio Project Specialist
Fronterhouse, Misti
Executive Assistant to the President
Gaines, Kelli
CHAMP Co-Director
Geoffrey, Dante
Women’s Volleyball Coach
Griego, Berna
Student Services Transfer Counselor & Communication Asst.
Harris, Brian
Information Technology Director
Hawks, Tori
Coordinator of Recuirting
Hemphill, Teale
Financial Aid Director
Horton, Rita
Johnson, Christy
Bookstore Coordinator
Lirley, Sean
Director of Facilities Management
Lovell, Ellen
Library Technician
Lubbers, Kristin
Director of Marketing
Lujan, Dr. Linda
Mata, Connie
Fitness Center Coordinator
Mata, Larry
Athletic & Wellness Center Coordinator
Medina, Jessica
Academic Services Coordinator
Milberger, Kurt
Structural Trades I
Mortimeyer, Jennifer
Director of Human Resources
Myers, Mary Lou
Instructional Coordinator/TAA Champ Assistant
Nieschburg, Kurt
Mechicanical Maintenance
Oberto, Michael
Assistant Baseball Coach
Ortiz, Kevin
Painter, Dylan
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Prestin, Mike J.
Coordinator of Residence/Student Life
Reamy, Roger
Repshire, Tammra
Sanchez, Cheryl
Vice President of Academic & Student Services
Schmecker, Amy
Student Success Navigator
Sherwood, Fred
Rodeo Coach/Horse Training & Management Technician
Smith, Rosalind
Resource Counselor/CTE Retention Coordinator
Sifers, Walt
Silva, Kristin
Softball Coach
Stagner, Dr. Annessa
Dean of Academic Services
Steele, Landon
Women’s Basketball Coach
Stubbs, Rian
Men’s Basketball Coach
Thompson, Amber
Turner, Curtis
CHAMP Co-Director
Vaca, Frank
Head Custodian
Vazquez, Robert
Technology Specialist