Oct 24, 2024  
College Catalog 2020-2021 
College Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Residence Hall Policies & Procedures


Residence Hall Information

Todd-Burch Hall and Prowers House are environments made up of students with diverse backgrounds, varying lifestyles, and differing interests. As a member of this community, each student must respect one another and must agree to live by one set of procedures and rules (Student Code of Conduct). By adhering to the Student Code of Conduct, each student can make the residence hall a comfortable home for all of its residents. The College has the right to refuse residence hall accommodations to any person whose conduct may be deemed potentially dangerous or harmful to the health and welfare of other residents or themselves.

Minimum Age Requirement  Residents must be 17 years of age or older on or before the date that the residence hall opens for the semester. Max age limit is 25 year old, additionally, residents under the age of 18 will be required to have a parent signature on their housing contract.

What are the Residence Hall Procedures?

Check-in: Prior to check-in, LCC Housing Staff inspects each room and notes normal wear and/or damages. During check-in, students sign a check-in sheet that identifies these preexisting conditions. Any damages not reported at this check-in or beyond normal wear may be charged to the student’s account. Upon completion of the check in process, each resident will receive a mail and room/exit key, assigned to them. (See Unauthorized Entry and/or Unauthorized Possession)  

Checkout: Students who check out of LCC Housing (including hotel overflow), before or on census date are responsbile for 1/3 of their room and board charges. Students who check out after census dates are responsible for ALL of their  room and board charges. Students evicted will be responsible for the room and board charges based on the day they vacate the hall, whether before or after census date.

Checkout: Prior to moving out of Todd-Burch Residence Hall or Prowers House for any reason, a student must formally checkout of the room. The student is responsible for contacting his/her Resident Advisor or Coordinator of Residence Life to arrange an agreeable time to inspect the room. The room/exit key, and mailbox key must be returned at time of inspection. Failure to checkout properly may result in forfeit of the $135.00 remaining deposit, plus a charge of $50.00 replacement fee per key if keys are not returned. If residents neglect to clean their room before checking out, they may be assessed a minimum $50.00 fine per resident. All original furniture must be in the room at the time of checkout. Replacement costs for missing furniture are charged to the room resident(s). Any additional furniture left in the room may result in a minimum $50.00 removal/disposal charge.

Early Checkout:  Any student who has checked in to LCC provided housing (signed their check-in form), will be obligated to pay in part or in full for housing.  Students who withdraw from LCC, move off campus (if eligible), or are removed for administrative or disciplinary cause up to Census Date, will be billed a prorated room and board charge, based on the date the student checks out (vacates) of LCC Housing.  Students who withdraw from LCC, move off campus (if eligible), or are removed for administrative or disciplinary cause after Census Date, will be charged full room and board.

Early Return: During our Holiday break that is the ending of Fall Semester or the start of the NEw YEar, the school will post days you are allowed to return back to campus. Unless you have a sport or are a Resident Advisor (RA) that requires you to be on campus early, you are NOT allowed to return to campus before the date posted. If you do return early the school will have the right to charge you $100 per day that you return and are in the dorms. There will be a calendar posted with the days you allowed to return back to the dorms.

Room Assignments: LCC reserves the right to place students in rooms and to reassign students to improve use of space and resources. Private room requests may be granted only if space/resources are available and include a Private Room fee. All room change requests must be submitted to the Coordinator of Residence Life. Residents may not change rooms without approval! (See Unauthorized Entry and/or Unauthorized Possession & Non-transferability of agreement/Subletting)

Damages:  Residents of LCC Housing are responsible for damages, mutilation, destruction or defacing of rooms and furniture in the rooms. Residents will be charged for burns, stains and scratches, breakage, use of nails, thumbtacks, screws, tape, and any other documented damage.  The use of sticky tape or tacky putty to hang materials up in your room is strictly prohibited. No drilling of holes in any part of the room is permitted. You will be billed the cost for destruction of college property.  Hall/Room damage will be handled in the following fashion:

  • If the responsible party can be identified, the individual or group will be subject to: pay restitution for damage, complete community service, receive a criminal citation, and/or undergo institutional disciplinary procedures.
  • In the case that the responsible party is not identified, an all-floor or hall charge may be assessed.
  • When necessary, a reward may be offered for information that both identifies the responsible party(ies) and shows evidence of responsibility.

Dorm Deposit:  Each student is required to pay a deposit prior to check-in. Applications received with a deposit will have priority over applications not accompanied by a deposit. Students will be assigned bed space according to the current occupancy at application time. Students who check into the halls after the first week of the semester (11:59 pm the Sunday after class begins) will forfeit one third of their original deposit. Students expelled from the halls for disciplinary reasons forfeit the entire deposit amount. Students may not check-in if a deposit has not been received.

Evictions:  Students will be removed immediately from Prowers House and/or Todd-Burch Residence Hall (cafeteria privileges will be amended and possibly suspend in consequence to the severity of the violation[s] in question) after receiving 5 points. If evicted, the student will forfeit the remainder of his/her deposit ($135.00). Evicted students are not allowed in the Residence Hall parking lot, tennis/basketball courts, volleyball courts, or in/around Todd-Burch Residence Hall or Prowers House for any reason without permission from Campus Safety, the Residence Hall Coordinator, or Vice President of Administrative Services. Eviction appeals may only be made to the Vice President of Administrative Services.  Appeals must be submitted in writing, within 48 hours of receipt of the eviction notice.

Emergencies: Any situation that threatens the health and safety of anyone at Prowers House or Todd-Burch Hall should be reported immediately.  (Call 911 immediately if there is ever doubt about the severity of the situation.)

Fire:  Every resident must follow this procedure if a fire alarm sounds.

  • Touch your door. If hot, do not open your door. Put towels under the door, open your window, and yell for assistance. In extreme cases, knock out the window screen, crawl onto ledge, and move away from the affected area and wait for emergency personnel for rescue.
  • If your door is cool, leave your room and close your door.
  • Go to the nearest exit in a single line.
  • Collect at the designated area for your location. See information on back of room door.
  • Do not re-enter the hall until told to do so by emergency personnel.

Alcohol Poisoning:  If you fear a student has alcohol poisoning, please follow the procedures below. 

  • Contact the Coordinator of Residence life at 336.6660 or LCC’s Campus Safety Officer at 688.1412 or 336.1192.
  • If you are unable to contact the Coordinator of Residence Life or Campus Safety Office, find a Resident Assistant.  R.A.’s are located on every floor of Todd-Burch Hall and in the Prowers House.

Missing Student Notification Policy:  In the event that an LCC housing student has been missing for 24 hours, the missing student should be reported to one of the following LCC Employees: Coordinator of Residence Hall/Student Life or the Vice President of Student Services. Once a missing person report has been made, LCC College staff will immediately notify local law enforcement as well as campus security. When the student has been determined missing, LCC staff will notify the student’s designated emergency contact person within 24 hours. The option for designating an emergency contact person is given and included in the housing application process and will also be given as an option at the time of dorm check-in. Any contact information shared will be registered confidentially and be accessible only to authorized campus officials and disclosed to law enforcement personnel in the continuance of a missing person investigation. Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor, the local law enforcement agency will be informed within 24 hours. 

Hall/Floor Meetings: Floor meetings are mandatory and are scheduled throughout the year to keep students informed of and understand LCC rules and regulations. Students who miss a hall meeting without notifying the housing office are assessed one point.

Liability: LCC, its Residence Hall staff, and agents are not responsible for any goods lost or stolen from campus. This includes classrooms, residence halls and parking lots. Students must protect their own property. (Recommendations include locking dorm rooms and having private insurance.)

Lockout Charges: The lockout fee may be suspended by the Coordinator of Residence Life with respect to the needs of the residence hall community. Misuse, abuse of, or habitual use of the “free lock-out” service may result in an individual being charged or the reinstatement of the standing lockout charge. Lock out fee is $2.00 to $5.00 at the discretion of RA /Campus safety officer. Coordinator of Residence Hall/Student Life.

Room Inspection: LCC reserves the right to inspect student rooms for health or safety concerns, cleanliness, and possible Student Code of Conduct violations. You need not be present for a room inspection to occur.

Make Yourself at Home

Cable TV: All rooms provided with basic cable.

Computer Use: Students may use computers located in the West Wing Room #102W of Todd-Burch Hall. Residence Hall students are assessed a mandatory $75.00 Technology Fee for DSL/ Wi-Fi hotspot service in the Halls. Wireless Wi-Fi Router in dorm room’s damage or taken replacement $1,000.00. Students may use the Internet, do class research, and check e-mail, as well as complete and print course assignments. Rules for computer lab use are:

  1. Leave the lab clean;
  2. No food or drink at the computer tables
  3. Not for personal use.  Ex.  YouTube, Facebook, watching games, etc. 
  4. Do not create/access pornographic material;
  5. Save material to portable disks not on the hard drive;
  6. Do not print email from the Internet;
  7. Keep voices and noise low and to a minimum.
  8. Do not disconnect, tamper with, or misuse lab equipment; including cables, printers, monitors, etc. 

Custodial/Maintenance Services: Students are responsible for their own bedroom space. Damages and maintenance issues in the bed space areas should be reported to the Housing Staff. Students are responsible for cleaning their own bedrooms. For convenience, large trash bins are distributed throughout the hall. Student must use these trash receptacles properly; misuse may be considered damage to the hall (see Damages). All common areas of the hall are maintained by a custodial crew. You must give custodial personnel the consideration and heed necessary for the completion of their duties (see Violation of Laws, Directives, and Signage/Noncompliance). Students are responsible for any mess they create in common areas, beyond regular use.; It will be the responsibility of the sponsor(s) to clean up any excess garbage and or messes made during all events, parties, or activities taking place in common areas.

Guests/Visitors: Visitation in the Residence Halls is permitted 24 hours a day at LCC. Overnight guests require authorization from the Coordinator of Residence Life. Guests must be considerate of roommates and neighbors and must abide by the Student Code of Conduct. If your roommate objects to a guest, other provisions must be made. Visitors must be at least 18 years of age. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the residence hall director. You may have up to 3 guest per- semester. You will need authorization from the Coordinator Residence Life Exceptions past your 3 Guest pre- semester.

Mail:  The mail is delivered Monday through Friday. The address for the Hall is:   



2401 South Main Street

Lamar, CO  81052 



If a package arrives the business office will call you. Please have a correct cell phone number that you can be reach out. Packages from UPS or FedEx and certified mail requiring signature should be addressed to 2401 South Main (LCC Main address) and will be delivered to the LCC Business Office.

When leaving the residence hall, you will need to contact companies and relatives with your new address. The USPS and LCC will not forward your mail.

Non-transferability of Agreement: Residence Hall facilities are reserved for the use of those who have a current Agreement for On-Campus Housing in the Residence Life office. Rooms may not be sublet, nor may any unregistered guests be housed. Meal tickets are for the exclusive use of the person contracting them and are not transferable. Students are not permitted to change rooms without authorization.

Keys: You are provided with two keys–a mailbox key and an “HARD KEY” which opens your room and provides exterior door access. These keys may not be lent out or provided to anyone other than the individual to whom it was assigned.  There is a $50.00 charge for each replacement key. If you become locked out of your room, find your RA, another RA, or Residence Life Coordinator.

Laundry Rooms: Washers and dryers are provided are on the first floor of each wing of Todd-Burch Hall. Cost is $1.25 per load to wash and $1.00 per load to dry. Laundry rooms fall under the same guidelines as other common areas (see Liability). 

Lobby: The lobby area is available to you 24 hours a day.

Quiet Hours:  Sunday night to Thursday morning 10:00pm - 10:00am, Thursday Night to Sunday Morning 12:00am - 10:00am are quiet hours. Note: Courtesy Hours are the hours outside of the listed Quiet Hours. During all hours of the day, noise levels are to be kept to a moderate level. Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours/day. 

Parking: Residence hall parking is located on the northwest side of the dorm. Parking is not permitted east of the residence hall or in the west lot directly adjacent to the Cafeteria.  Designated RA parking is available in the first eight (8) spaces on the southeast corner of the RH parking lot. A $50.00 fee will be charged if you park in a reserved parking space, fire lane, or any area east of the Residence Hall including near the creek. The Wellness Center lot may be used if overflow parking is needed.

If a vehicle receives five (5) parking tickets in one semester, the student’s/owner’s on-campus parking privileges will be revoked, resulting in the tow/removal of the vehicle at the owner’s expense. The student/owner will be required to meet with Security and the Physical Plant Director.

Unauthorized Entry and/or Unauthorized Possession: Entry into or use of any building, room, or other college-owned or college-controlled property, grounds, or activities without authorized approval may be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. This also includes, but is not limited to the unauthorized possession, duplication or use of college keys, lock combinations, access codes, and access cards and/or credentials and/or propping open or tampering with doors/windows.

Student Rules and Offenses

Lamar Community College has high expectations for student conduct; in some cases, these expectations are not met. To create a safe and enjoyable environment for all residents, LCC has set the following consequences in cases where behavior does not conform to expectations.

LCC reserves the right to expel immediately any student from the Residence Halls who poses a harmful threat to him/herself, another student, College personnel, or campus visitor.

The Residence Life Office adopted a discipline policy based on a point system. The Residence Hall Coordinator may reduce or increase points based on situation and attitude of those involved or may choose to assign community service in lieu of or in addition to assessed points. This is in addition to any community service penalties already levied. (Failure to accomplish community service is punishable to assessment of 1 to 3 points.) Points accumulate over a two-semester period.

Points are assessed in this manner

1 point

Verbal Warning

2 points

Written Warning

3 points

Discussion of violation(s)

4 points

12 hours of community service

5 points

Expulsion from Residence Hall.

All RAs, campus security and temporary head staff have the authority to recommend points be assessed under this system. Only the Coordinator of Residence Life or an assigned representative may assess the points and disciplinary action.

Criminal charges can be made only by the victim of the crime or by the College. Once an investigation is in the hands of the police, it cannot be halted by the Office of Residence Life.

Residence Hall Offenses include but are not limited to: 

Abuse - Physical/Non-physical includes:

• Physical abuse or conduct that threatens or endangers another person’s health or safety.
• Non-physical abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion, influence, or any unwelcome conduct in any form that is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent that it alters the conditions of the learning environment or employment.
• Knowingly falsifying, publishing or distributing, in any form, material that tends to impeach the honesty, integrity, virtue or reputation of another person. (2-5 Points and possible criminal charges)

Alcohol/Narcotics Use: Being under the influence, manufacturing, possessing, cultivating/producing, distributing, purchasing, or selling of alcohol and/or drugs (illegal and/or dangerous or controlled substance) and/or alcohol/drug paraphernalia while on college owned or college controlled property, and/or at any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles, constitutes a violation of said laws and will be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and the Resident Handbook. Students who do not report or make any attempt to stop such activities will be considered contributing to unlawful behavior and may be considered equally responsible. (2-5 Points*)
Note: Although possession and use of marijuana for recreational use is consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution and is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remain illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college owned or college controlled property, and/or any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles.

Antennas: No antennas or dishes will be installed outside of the building. (1 point)

Attire Outside of the Room: Residents shall not be seen in clothing classified as undergarments at any time outside of their room. Additionally, tops and bottoms (not underwear or sportsware) must be worn at all times in public spaces. 

Bicycles/Skateboards/Other Vehicles: Riding bicycles/skateboards/hover boards/other vehicles is not allowed inside the building. The aforementioned may be stored inside hall rooms but cannot be secured to LCC property. (1 Point).

Conduct Detrimental to College or to Safety: Conduct deemed detrimental, harmful and/or damaging to the college and/or that jeopardizes the safety of the individual or others as determined by the Coordinator of Residence Life. Examples include, but are not limited to, slamming doors, throwing chairs, and/or defacing of college property, or property of others; tobacco spit in sink, drains, and drinking fountains; foods/insoluble materials dumped down drains, in sinks, drinking fountains, and so on. (1-5 Points and possible criminal charges)

Electrical Appliances:  Heating, cooking, or air-conditioning equipment may not be used in the rooms.  Any such equipment found may be confiscated; this includes Foreman grills, electric skillets, hot plates, open burners, gas cook stoves, full-sized refrigerators, and space heaters. Popcorn poppers, electric coffee pots, dormitory size refrigerators, stereos, VCRs, and televisions are permitted.  Microwaves are not permitted in Todd Burch Residence Hall.  Microwave ovens are permitted in Prowers House, but they must be mini, dorm-sized microwaves.  Standard, kitchen-size microwaves are not permitted.  Keep in mind if you choose to have several electrical appliances in your room, you need to use a surge protector and avoid plugging everything into one outlet.  Overloading the outlets will cause a breaker to trip and is considered a fire hazard.  (1 Point)

Explosives: Explosive devices are not allowed on campus. This includes, but is not limited to fire crackers, bottle rockets, and firearm ammunition. 3 to 4 points for fireworks, 4 to 5 points for firearms and/or ammunition. (3 to 5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Fire Alarms and Equipment: Sounding a false fire alarm is illegal. All alarms are investigated by the Hall staff, Lamar Police and Fire Departments. Setting off fire equipment (i.e. extinguishers) is not allowed except in the event of a fire. Activating a false fire alarm via a pull station or removal of/tampering with a room smoke detector may result in a $100 fine.  (1 to 4 Points and possible criminal charges).

Food Fights: Food fights are expensive in terms of waste and clean-up time. People who start and contribute to food fights are disciplined by the College  (see Damage).  (1 to 4 points).

Furniture Damage/Removal: Lobby furniture is not to be taken to individual rooms. Community furniture found in personal rooms carries disciplinary action and added rental fees. Destruction of college furniture is not tolerated. (see Damage).  (1 to 3 Points).

Harassment and/or Discrimination: Any discrimination or harassment on the basis of: sex/gender, race. color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion or sexual orientation will be considered harassment. (1-5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Haircuts: No haircuts are allowed in or outside of an individual’s room. Haircuts are not allowed in the bathroom.

Illegal Gambling: Participation in illegal gambling activities on college owned or college controlled property, and/or at any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles is prohibited. (1-3 Points and possible criminal charges).

Littering: Students are expected to refrain from throwing trash and other objects onto the campus grounds. Students in residence halls may not throw trash or other objects out of windows, or into hallways. (1 Point).

Open Flames, Space Heaters, Gas Burners, and Coils:  Open Flames, space heaters, gas burners, and coils are prohibited in residence halls due to fire hazard. This includes, but is not limited to: incense, candles, space heaters, candle warmers, and toasters. Coffee makers with automatic shut off are allowed. (1 Point).

Quiet hours/Courtesy hours: Noise (speaking, yelling, music, movies, games, and so on) is considered disruptive to an individual’s ability to sleep or study, during quiet hours may be considered in violation of quiet hours. Additionally, individuals who refuse to respect reasonable request by another resident to reduce the volume of any: conversation or media may be considered in violation Courtesy Hours. (1 Point).

Restrooms: The restrooms in the halls are gender specific. Men may only use male restrooms on the men’s floors and women may use only female restrooms on the women’s floors. (Presence in wrong restroom - 1 to 2 points).

Sexual Misconduct: Sexual Misconduct offenses include, but are not limited to Sexual Harassment, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact (or attempts to commit same), Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse (or attempts to commit same), and/or Sexual Exploitation. All sexual offenses must be reported to the college TITLE IX Officer (Shelly Tombleson). (3-5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Solicitation/Businesses: The College prohibits soliciting, selling and distribution of samples/pamphlets in the residence halls by non-student organizations. This includes placing flyers under doors. Soliciting by authorized representatives is only permitted provided they have secured the written approval of the Coordinator of Residence Life. If you discover a solicitor in the residence halls, please report them to the Coordinator of Residence Life immediately. Students may not establish any form of for-profit business or enterprise in the residence hall or use the hall post address. This includes all goods and or services. (1-3 Points).

Theft: Report any type of theft immediately to the Campus Safety Officer on duty or the Coordinator of Residence Life (see Liability). (3-5 points and possible criminal charges).

Tobacco: Smoking and smokeless tobacco is not permitted in any area of the residence halls. In addition, smoking is not permitted in/on residence hall entryways, porches, or within 25 feet of the aforementioned locations. Non-compliance at any time of day or night results in disciplinary action. (1-5 Points).

The following are considered tobacco products: cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, stogies, and periques; granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff and snuff flour; cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine-cut and other chewing tobacco; shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or for smoking in a cigarette, pipe, or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking. “Tobacco” also includes e-cigarettes, vape devices of any kind, cloves and any other plant matter or product that is packaged for smoking.

Unacceptable Use of College Equipment Network or System: Unacceptable uses of any college-owned or operated equipment, network or system include but is not limited to: knowingly spreading computer viruses; reposting personal communications without author’s consent; copying protected materials; using the network for financial or personal gain, commercial activity, or illegal activity; accessing the network using another individuals account; unauthorized downloading/uploading software and/or digital video or music; downloading/uploading, viewing or displaying pornographic content, or any other attempt to compromise network integrity. (1-3 Points and possible criminal charges).

Unauthorized Pets/Animals:  Excluding trained service animals or emotional support animals registered with the campus, possession of any unauthorized pet or animal within the halls is not allowed (animals may be confiscated and remanded to the Lamar Animal Shelter). (1-2 Points).

Vandalism: Knowingly, intentionally, or without regard for; acting to cause damage to or disabling equipment or property so that the equipment or property is rendered without value and or use; or acting in the same so that the above mentioned requires, monetary investment to restore to the pre-vandalized condition is not acceptable (see Damages). (2-5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Vending Machine Abuse/Theft: Vending machines are on campus for convenience. Any abuse of those machines will be reported to the vendor. Stealing from machines is theft. (3-5 Points).

Bouncing/Throwing of Balls: Any and all horseplay is prohibited, to include bouncing and throwing of any type of ball of any kind in the Todd-Burch Hall (1-2 Points).

Violation of Laws, Directives, and Signage/Noncompliance:

• Violating any municipal, county, state or federal law that adversely impacts the conditions of the educational or employment environment.
• Violations of college traffic and parking rules, regulations, or signage.
• Damage to or falsely using fire alarms and/or fire extinguishers.
• Creating an intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular. This includes, but is not limited to leading or inciting to disrupt college activities. Failure to comply with the lawful directives of College employees acting within the scope of their duties, including those directives issued by a College administrator to ensure the safety and wellbeing of others.
• Violations of college policies, protocols, procedures or signage.
• Noncompliance with a college employee acting in the course of their duties. College employees include but are not limited to: President of LCC, Vice President, Deans, faculty, Coordinator of Residence Life, Director of Facilities, RAs, custodial staff, and so on.
(1-5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Weapons: Possession or distribution of any unauthorized firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks and/or other dangerous weapons (or chemicals/flammable liquids) or use/threat of use of any instrument (including, but not limited to paint ball guns, pellet guns, air soft guns, bow and arrows, knives) as a weapon to intimidate, harass, or cause harm to others. (2-5 Points and possible criminal charges).

Windows/Screens/Presence on the Roof: Screens must be left on at all times. Residents are not allowed on ledges or roof at any time. Windows are not to be used as a means of entering or leaving rooms. Items may not enter or leave the room through windows. Window and window openings may not be altered. Students are not permitted on the hall roof or catwalks (except for emergency escape). (2-4 Points).

Appeals - Disagreement with a Violation Assessment:
The assignment of points may be appealed to the Coordinator of Residence Life. Evictions may be appealed to the Vice President of Administrative Services. All appeals must be submitted in writing within 48 hours of receipt of the eviction notice. Regardless of appeal status, resident must vacate his or her room immediately.