A Message from the President
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Lamar Community College, I welcome you to our new online catalog. I sincerely hope that this addition will be an incredible tool as you investigate your educational options, find additional resources, and better understand your responsibilities as a student. Please review it and keep this link handy for future reference. Knowledge is still the best source for a bright future!
We are excited about how the college is set to grow in the next few years. We are implementing many new programs and bringing greater value and a multitude of additional options to our students. I am sure you will find our offerings compare with the finest quality programs anywhere, yet you will have enhanced personal attention because of our smaller, closely-knit campus.
Our newly adopted vision for the college is ”At Lamar Community College, we are committed to providing the highest quality education in an environment of service excellence.” It’s a commitment to you, our student, and a goal to strive for every day.
Best of luck in your educational pursuits!

John T. Marrin
The LCC Mission & Vision
Lamar Community College is located on the plains of southeastern Colorado and is well known for its moderate weather and days of sunshine. The College has developed a special concern for the educational needs of Prowers, Baca, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Counties but includes within its vision and “community” the state of Colorado, the nation, and through its unique programs, dedicated staff, and picturesque setting—the world.
The College counts among its alumni successful businesspersons, ranchers and farmers, educators, professionals, entrepreneurs, and others who continue to expand their human potential. LCC’s graduates are scattered throughout the world, and increasingly, its students add to the cultural diversity of the institution as they gather from the four corners of the globe.
Lamar Community College embraces the philosophy of a comprehensive community college as it serves the educational needs of its students. LCC is dedicated to providing all students with quality educational opportunities and services that assist learners to maximize development and operate successfully in our ever-changing world.
The College is an “open-door” institution, and it enrolls all students 16 years of age or older, regardless of previous academic experience, who can profit from the College’s instructional efforts. The College offers complete academic transfer programs through its Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees. The College also offers occupational instruction, which leads to a variety of degrees and certificates. At Lamar Community College, “we enrich lives through learning.”
The college’s vision is “At Lamar Community College, we are committed to providing the highest quality education in an environment of service excellence.”
Role and Purpose
Lamar Community College is a learner-centered, coeducational, comprehensive, two-year post-secondary institution of higher learning. As a member of the Colorado Community College System, LCC is committed to providing
- transfer programs that qualify students for admission to four-year colleges and universities;
- educational offerings that meet students’ occupational needs in technical and applied fields;
- developmental education to build basic academic skills;
- opportunities for perpetual learning and lifelong development;
- an environment supportive of learners and learning; and
- comprehensive assessment of student learning.
A Brief History of LCC
Established in 1937, Lamar Community College began its service to its communities as the Junior College of Southeastern Colorado. It was originally established to give the impoverished residents of the western edge of the “Dust Bowl” new hope in the midst of the Great Depression. The College is a testimony to the perseverance of the organizations and individuals that founded it. Supported by tuition, fees, and donations from merchants and civic organizations, the College was essentially a private institution. Its first campus was a structure originally built by the Works Public Administration (WPA) as a hospital for tuberculosis patients. The original building still stands at Eighth Street and Walnut.
In 1946, voters formed a local district, supported by tax dollars, and guaranteeing open enrollment. At this time, the name was changed to Lamar Junior College. As enrollment and program offerings steadily increased after World War II; the campus expanded to nearby buildings and houses.
Changing with the Times
The 1960s ushered in a decade of change as the College relocated to its present location, changed its name to Lamar Community College, and joined the Colorado Community College System. Todd-Burch Residence Hall and the Bowman, Trustees, and Betz Buildings were all built in the period between 1966 and 1971. Lamar Community College entered another period of construction in 1999, with the renovation and renaming of the Betz Building to the Betz Technology Center. In this same time period, LCC built its state-of-the-art Wellness Center. LCC’s original indoor horse arena was constructed in 1975. A renovation is expected to be completed in the fall of 2008.
Expanded Educational Offerings
Through its rich history, Lamar Community College has continued to provide a unique educational experience to students. The small, friendly campus atmosphere helps students feel welcome and valued. Many area students who seek skills and knowledge to enter the workforce or to transfer to universities find LCC their best option for higher education. LCC also attracts students from outside the service area who appreciate smaller classes and the personalized attention they receive from staff and faculty. Many come to study in one of the signature programs or to continue their athletic careers. Through partnerships with other colleges and universities, LCC has expanded it services to students to include dual application and on-campus baccalaureate options.
Born from the tenacious spirit of pioneer founders and empowered by the alliance with the Colorado Community College System, Lamar Community College stands ready to serve its students into the 21st century and beyond.
Commitment to Diversity
Diversity among students, faculty, administration, and staff is an important measure of quality within academic institutions. Lamar Community College seeks to achieve greater diversity and reflect the variety of its community and the world. LCC strives to develop and foster diversity in all college activities, including student recruitment and support, staff recruitment and development, institutional policy, and community relations. To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been established.
LCC will expand the pool of applicants for admission and employment with an emphasis on underrepresented populations. Lamar Community College supports and encourages educational and employment opportunities for all.
LCC recognizes the need to provide retention support services for students and employees from underrepresented populations and will strive to implement plans to achieve this goal.
Lamar Community College is known for educational quality and high graduation and transfer rates. LCC will maintain its educational integrity and increase these rates for underrepresented students through development of specific educational achievement plans, which emphasize personal commitment and care of the individual underrepresented student.
LCC, in cooperation with community leaders of Prowers County, will develop a welcoming and culturally sensitive climate on and off campus and foster community networks that support underrepresented populations.
Academic Calendar
Fall Semester 2009
August 14 |
Faculty return/in-service; new faculty orientation |
August 15 |
Residence halls & cafeteria open at 12:00 NOON |
August 17–18 |
Fall registration—basic skills assessment, advising, and orientation |
August 19 |
First day of classes for standard term courses |
August 31 |
First day of CCCOnline session #1 courses |
September 2 |
Last day to add CCCOnline session #1 courses |
September 3 |
Census Date (for standard term classes) |
September 7 |
Labor Day—offices closed/no classes |
September 15 |
Last day to drop CCCOnline session #1 courses |
October 1 |
Deadline for Spring Intent to Graduate forms |
October 5 |
First day of classes for CCCOnline session #2 courses |
October 6 |
Last day to add CCCOnline session #2 courses |
October 14 |
Last day to drop CCCOnline session #2 courses |
November 1 |
Pre-registration begins for spring semester |
November 11 |
Last day to withdraw from 15-week courses |
November 23 |
Last day to withdraw from CCCOnline session #1 |
November 23–27 |
Thanksgiving vacation—no classes |
November 26 |
Thanksgiving Day—offices closed |
November 30 |
Last day to withdraw from CCCOnline session #2 |
December 13 |
Last day of CCCOnline courses |
December 8 |
Last day of instruction for standard term courses |
December 9–11 |
Final Exams |
December 12 |
Residence halls and cafeteria close at 12:00 NOON |
December 13 |
Last day of instruction (for standard term courses) |
December 16 |
Grades due at 12:00 NOON |
December 25-January 1 |
Christmas Break—campus closed |
Spring Semester 2010
January 1 |
New Year’s Day—campus closed |
January 9 |
Residence halls & cafeteria open at 12:00 NOON |
January 11 |
Faculty return/In-service; new faculty orientation |
January 11–12 |
Spring registration—basic skills assessment, advising, and orientation |
January 13 |
First day of classes for standard term courses |
January 25 |
First day of classes for CCCOnline session #1 courses |
January 27 |
Last day to add CCCOnline session #1 courses |
January 28 |
Census date for standard term courses |
February 9 |
Last day to drop CCCOnline session #1 courses |
March 1 |
Deadline for Summer Intent to Graduate forms |
March 1 |
First day of classes for online session #2 courses |
March 2 |
Last day to add CCCOnline session #2 courses |
March 10 |
Last day to drop CCCOnline session #2 courses |
March 15–19 |
Spring Break—no classes |
April 1 |
Online Pre-registration begins for Summer & Fall Semesters |
April 13 |
Last day to withdraw from standard term courses |
April 19 |
Last day to withdraw from CCCOnline #1 courses |
April 26 |
Last day to withdraw from CCCOnline #2 courses |
May 4 |
Last day of instruction for standard term courses |
May 5–7 |
Final Exams |
May 7 |
Antelope Night |
May 8 |
Commencement—10:00 A.M. |
May 9 |
Residence halls and cafeteria close at 12:00 NOON |
May 9 |
Last day of CCCOnline courses |
May 12 |
Grades due by 12:00 NOON |
Summer Semester 2010
May 26–August 6
Campus Hours
(Fall and Spring semester hours subject to change and may vary seasonally and with holidays. Extended hours available during peak usage periods.)
Administration Building
8:00 A.M–5:00 P.M., M–F |
Betz Technology Center (BZ)
6:30 A.M.–10:00 P.M., M–F |
Bookstore: 8:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M., M–TH; 8:00 A.M.–12:00 P.M., F
Computer Labs (BZ 230, 231, 244): See posted hours M–F
Student Services Center: 7:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M., M–Th;
7:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M., F
Bowman Building (BW)
6:30 A.M.–10:00 P.M., M–F, 8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M., S |
Learning Resource Center Labs: 8:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M., M–TH;
8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M., F
Library: 8:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M., M–TH; 8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M., F
Trustees Building (TR)
6:30 A.M.–10:00 P.M., M–F |
Cosmetology Salon: 10:00 A.M.–7:00 P.M, T, TH.; 10 A.M.–5:30 P.M, W
Wellness Center
5:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M., M–TH; 5:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M., F; 8:00 A.M.–11:00 A.M., S |
Campus Health Center: 8:30 A.M.–12:30, 1:30-5:00, M, W, F;
8:30 A.M.–12:30, 2:30-5:00, T, TH;
Fitness Center: 5:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M., M–TH; 5:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M., F;
8:00 A.M.–11:00 A.M., S
Gymnasium Open (varies by semester)
Locator Map
Click here to view map.
Campus Overview
Lamar Community College is located on the southern edge of the City of Lamar on Highway 287. Its facilities are maintained on a spacious 115-acre campus bounded on the east by lush Willow Creek, a wooded area that is home to deer and a large variety of birds and other wildlife. In 2000, the campus has completed an $11-million renovation that included a new gymnasium and wellness complex located next to the residence halls. A renovation and expansion of LCC’s equine facility is due to be completed in the fall of 2008.
Exceptional Facilities
On the northern edge of the campus stands the Betz Technology Center. It is the home of many occupational programs including art, business and computer, and integrated technology courses, and the Small Business Management Program as well as the Nursing Program, agriculture classes, and faculty offices. Additionally, it houses the Student Services Center, including the Registrar, Admissions, Financial Aid, Recruiter, as well as the Cashier and Campus Bookstore.
The Todd-Burch Residence Hall and Kelley Union Cafeteria are in the middle of the main campus. Housing 190 students, the facility also includes a weight room, computer lab, and lobby with recreational equipment.
LCC’s newest building, the Wellness Center, provides a state-of-the-art fitness center, indoor walking track, gymnasium, and athletic office complex and the Campus Health Center for students and staff.
On the southern end of the main LCC campus is the Equine Facility and Rodeo complex. This area includes both indoor and outdoor arenas for practice and competition.
Across the street from the campus are the baseball and softball fields.
Important Campus Resources
Adult Transition Svcs.
719.336.6646 |
BW 237 |
719.336.1535 or 1536 |
BW 121 or 122 |
719.336.1590 /800.968.6920 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Equity Office
719.336.1572 |
TR Business Office |
Athletic Director
719.336.1674 |
Wellness Center 109 |
Campus Bookstore
719.336.1620 |
East Betz Atrium |
Campus Health Center
719.336.1683 |
Wellness Center 125 |
Campus Closure Line
719.336.1515 |
Campus Safety
719.336.1192 / 719.688.1412 |
Todd-Burch Hall |
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Cosmetology Salon
719.336.4408 |
TR 112 |
719.336.1527 |
BW 136 |
Credit for Prior Learning
719.336.1537 or 1538 |
BW 152 or 153 |
Dining Hall
719.336.3907 |
Todd-Burch Hall |
Disability Services/Special Populations
719.336.1533 |
BW 125 |
Dual Credit (PSEO) Classes BZ 232
719.336.1584 |
BZ 232 |
Duplication Center
719.336.1620 |
East Betz Atrium |
Educational Opportunity Ctr
719.336.1588 |
BZ 237 |
719.336.1543 |
BW Basement |
English as Second Language(ESL)
719.336.6646 |
BW 237 |
Financial Aid
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Fitness Center
719.336.1672 |
Wellness Center-Upper |
GED Services
719.336.6646 |
BW 237 |
719.336.1541 |
BW Lower Level |
Learning Support Svcs.
719.336.1537 |
BW 153 |
Motor Vehicle Registration
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
President’s Office
719.336.1511 |
Adm Upper Level |
Bachelor’s Options
719.336.1538 |
BW 124 |
719.336.1580 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Registrar’s Office
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Residence Hall Office
719.336.6660 |
Todd-Burch Hall |
Student Activities
719.336.6660 |
Todd-Burch Hall |
Student I.D.s
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Student Services
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Student Gov’t Assn
719.336.1581 |
BZ 238 |
Transcripts/Student Records
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Transfer Coordinator
719.336.1538 |
BW 152 |
Tutoring Services
719.336.1535 or 1536 |
BW 121 or 122 |
Veterans’ Benefits
719.336.1590 |
BZ Student Services Center |
Student Resources at a Glance
Academic Advising
Assigns an academic advisor to certificate and degree-seeking students and by request to non-degree seekers.
Campus Bookstore
Offers course textbooks, supplies, food items, & gifts.
Campus Health Center
Provides medical & dental services.
Fitness Center
Offers complete training/workout programs.
Learning Support Services
LCC’s federally-funded TRiO student support services program provides services to all students in the following areas:
- Assessment
- Personal, academic, & transfer counseling
- Tutoring Lab
Provides books, periodicals, videotapes, Internet access, interlibrary loan materials, and study areas.
Student Services Center
A one-stop shop for admission, registration, payment, financial aid, and transcript requests.
Helpful Community Contacts
Public Information/Services |
CenturyTel (telephone/Internet)
800.261.7649 |
Chamber of Commerce
719.336.4379 |
Domestic Safety Resource Center
719.336.4357 |
Electric & Water Connects/Disconnects
719.336.4376 |
Fire Department
719.336.4321 |
Lamar Public Library
719.336.4632 |
Police Department
719.336.4341 |
Voter Registration
719.336.4376 |
Welcome Home Childcare
719.336.1200 |
Health Services |
High Plains Dental Center
719.336.8445 |
High Plains Community Health Center
719.336.0261 |
Prowers County Nursing Service
719.336.8721 |
Prowers Medical Center
719.336.4343 |
Banking Services |
Colorado East Bank & Trust
719.336.5200 |
Community State Bank
719.336.3270 |
Fellowship Credit Union
719.336.5511 |
First National Bank
719.336.4351 |
Lamar Civic-Federal Credit Union
719.336.4387 |
Valley National Bank
719.336.4381 |
Entertainment |
Lamar Lanes Bowling Alley
719.336.5781 |
Lamar Parks & Recreation
719.336.2774 |
Lamar Theatre
719.336.5737 |
Answers to Your Questions
Bulletin Boards
Students and community members may post materials on community bulletin boards throughout campus using posted guidelines. Departmental and campus life boards are reserved for College use only.
Campus Closures
Due to occasional inclement weather or other circumstance, it may be necessary to cancel classes or close the campus. Students and staff may call 719.336.1515 to find out details about potential cancellations/ closures.
Emergency Preparedness
LCC is committed to providing a safe learning environment for students and staff. Occasionally, emergencies may arise that necessitate a move to a safer location in a campus building or building evacuation. LCC expects everyone to follow these guidelines. More information is posted on campus bulletin boards.
If it is necessary for a campus building (or buildings) to be evacuated due to emergency, students and staff must use the nearest safe exit and meet at the following designated points.
- Bowman, Trustees, Betz—“Quad” grass area between buildings by “Wings of Knowledge” sculpture
- Residence Hall—Volleyball pit north of the residence hall.
In case of emergency sirens, all staff and students should quickly and carefully collect at the following locations for a head count and wait until an all-clear signal is given.
- Bowman Building—Large Lecture Hall (BW 139)
- Trustees Building—Trustees Basement (Below Bus. Office)
- Residence Hall—Basement/Weight room
- Betz Technology Center—Lower/East Wing (Not in Atrium)
After the all-clear signal is heard, students and staff may return to classes and offices.
Fire Alarms
While in campus buildings, students should be aware of where the closest and alternate exits are located. When a fire alarm sounds, all LCC students, staff, and faculty must vacate the affected building immediately. If the alarm is proven to be false, an LCC official notifies everyone when it is safe to return to the building.
Parking Regulations
All vehicles must be registered with Campus Security. Parking permits may be obtained from the Cashier’s Office. Students may park in any campus parking lot and do not have special parking privileges.
Student Records
LCC acts in full compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). (See the Legal Notices section for a copy of FERPA and definitions of italicized terms.)
Tobacco Use
As per state statute, smoking is prohibited inside College buildings. The College strongly discourages use of other types of tobacco in buildings as well. Smoking is not allowed within 15 feet of primary building entrances.
The City of Lamar
With a population of approximately 9,000, Lamar is the center of a tri-state area of modern farming, ranching, and manufacturing industries in the Lower Arkansas River Valley region. Lamar is located at the intersection of three national highways, served by one major bus line, and major railway passenger service.
The city hosts an abundance of clubs, organizations, and activities. A community of artists, who create in a variety of media, has developed in the area, and several of the artists have attained national prominence. Nearby, John Martin Reservoir and Queens Lake offer water sports, hiking, fishing, and outing opportunities. The Lamar City parks, picnic, swimming, and tennis facilities are available to students. The beautiful Rocky Mountains are a three- to four-hour drive away, and students and visitors frequently take weekend trips by car to Colorado Springs and Denver.
Click here to view map. |