Oct 24, 2024  
College Catalog 2009-2010 
College Catalog 2009-2010 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees


Residence Status for Tuition Purposes

Lamar Community College determines residence status for tuition purposes at the time of admission to the College according to Colorado statute. Residence is synonymous with domicile. Establishment of residence requires adoption of Colorado as a place of fixed and permanent habitation. It involves not only personal presence but also concurrently, the intent to make such place the student’s true and actual home. The domicile of minors (under 23 years of age) is considered to be that of their parents or guardians. A person 23 years of age or older who has resided outside the state of Colorado and has established a residence outside cannot, merely by attending an institution of higher learning in Colorado, establish a residence within the state. To meet the legal residence requirements, a person must have resided in Colorado for 12 continuous months prior to enrollment at such institution and meet all other requirements.

After a student has registered at an institution, classification for tuition purposes remains unchanged in the absence of satisfactory evidence to the contrary. If, at a later date, the student believes that his/her residency status is no longer correct, he/she may petition for a change in residency status. Petition forms, acquired from the Student Services Center, must be submitted along with all supporting documentation to the Dean of Student Services no later than 20 class days prior to the next school term for which the student desires a change in classification. This form and other supporting documentation is reviewed and a decision rendered in accordance with state law and authorized procedures.

Student Financial Obligations

Lamar Community College students are expected to pay their financial obligations with the College in a timely manner. Students should plan to pay for all charges associated with the registration/ enrollment process at the beginning of each semester. These charges include, but are not limited to tuition, fees, and bookstore charges. Students who choose to live in the residence hall also are responsible for room and board charges to be paid at the beginning of each semester.

Tuition pricing shown below reflect approximate 2008-09 rates and are for estimation purposes only. They are subject to change as deemed necessary by the State of Colorado, the Colorado Community College System, and LCC.

College Opportunity Fund

The State of Colorado historically subsidized higher education for in-state students by giving money directly to the colleges. In 2004 the Colorado Legislature enacted a new law establishing the College Opportunity Fund (“COF”). Under this law, the State gives this money for the subsidy to students by sending it to the institution the student designates. This money, known as College Opportunity Fund stipends, is applied to an in-state student’s tuition if the student applies for and authorizes the use of the stipend. The college the student is attending receives the money and it appears as a credit on student’s tuition bill. Currently the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend is estimated to be worth $92.00 per credit hour.

Estimated Base Tuition Calculation

Total estimated base in-state tuition $156.30  
Minus estimated “College Opportunity Fund Stipend”    68.00  
Student’s estimated share of in-state tuition $ 88.30  

Mandatory Fees

All students are required to pay the following fees, unless noted.

Registration Fee

The College assesses a $11.45 registration fee each semester.

Activity Fees

Students enrolled in on-campus courses and programs are required to pay activity fees charged on a per-credit-hour basis as follows:

  • Student Government fee
  • Student activities fee
  • Athletic fee


Student Center Fee

LCC charges $2.70 per credit hour with a 12-credit-hour cap for funding future construction of a new Student Center.

Campus Health Center Fee

All full-time students pay the Campus Health Center fee. This fee of $33.60 per student, per semester provides full-time students with unlimited office visits at the Campus Health Center. It is optional for part-time students for the same fee ($33.60).

Residence Hall Technology Fee

All students who reside in the Residence Hall will be assessed a $75.00 fee per academic year.

Graduation charges

Students are encouraged to walk through graduation upon completion of their degree or certificate programs. Graduating students are assessed a $35.00 fee, which covers the cost of a robe and diploma. The fee is charged in the semester that students submit their intent to graduate forms to LCC’s Student Services Center.

Course-Related Fees

Although also mandatory, the fees listed below are assessed based on a student’s choice of courses and delivery methods.

Medium/High Cost Course Fee

This fee was established by the Colorado Community College System to address higher cost of science, occupational, and technology courses. The fee is $6.05 per credit hour.

Tuition and Fees at a Glance

For estimation only. Charges may vary based on courses selected.
Tuition Class Tuition/Credit  Less COF Stipend Net Tuition/Credit Student Fees/Credit* Reg. Fee/Semester
Resident (COF eligible) $ 156.30 $ 68.00  $  88.30   $ 10.67    $ 11.45       
Non-Resident 181.65   —       181.65  10.67 11.45   
LCC Online-resident 224.10    68.00       122.90**  10.67 11.45   
LCC Online-non res. 246.95    —            213.75**  10.67 11.45   


246.95    68.00     156.10   10.67 11.45 
CCCOnline -
246.95   246.95 10.67 11.45
International 315.05   315.05 10.67 11.45
* Does not include other mandatory fees and course fees. Course fees vary by types of courses and number of credits taken each semester. These charges and fees are based on 2009-10 rates and are subject to change.
** LCC Online students eligible for a scholarship of $33.20/credit hour.

CISCO Course Fee

Established by the Colorado Community College System to provide the funds necessary to support the cost of the Cisco Networking programs at member community colleges, the fee for these courses is $16.60 per credit hour. Cisco courses are not subject to the Medium/High Cost course fee above.

EBM Lab Charge

Students registered in ASC 143, ASC 243, and/or EQT 253 are assessed a $300 lab charge.

Fitness Center Fee

Some Fitness Center courses require a $15.00 Fitness Center Equipment Usage fee and a one-time $13.00 manual charge.

Independent Study Fee

Independent study courses are charged at the current tuition rate.

Lab and Other Course Fees

Lab and other course fees vary depending upon courses taken and may include liability insurance, lab kits, external testing fees, and supplies.

Nursing Course Fee

All NUR (Health Professions) prefixed courses are charged a differential tuition fee of $38.85 per credit hour in addition to regular tuition.

Books and Supplies

A full-time student’s average annual cost for books and supplies is $1,749.00, payable by cash, checks, Master Card, VISA, or Discover.

Room and Board

All freshmen are required to live in the residence hall unless they have received waivers or have been exempted. LCC reserves the right to automatically bill students who have not been exempted/waived and choose to live off campus. For more information, see the Student Services  section.

Room and board fees shown below reflect 2009-10 rates. They are subject to change as deemed necessary by the State of Colorado, the SBCCOE, and LCC. Students living in the residence halls must purchase a 19-meal/week plan. Room & board is $2,595/semester (double occupancy). A $15.00 fee is deducted once from each resident’s $150 housing deposit. This fee is placed in an account reserved specifically for hall activities and maintenance of hall recreational equipment.

Payments, Adjustments, and Refunds

All charges (tuition, fees, room and board) are due at the time of registration. Credit is extended only in those instances where the College has an existing contract with an outside agency (this includes various forms of federal and state financial aid) or where prior arrangements have been made with the Business Office.

Students who have applied for and who have been awarded financial aid must pay the difference, if any, between the actual costs and the amount awarded unless they have made prior arrangements with the Cashier.

If a student adds a course creating additional charges, all charges are due at that time. A student due a refund as a result of overpayment, dropping, or other actions, may expect to receive a refund check in approximately 6–8 weeks after the Cashier has received the appropriate paperwork. This policy applies to all LCC learners.

Tuition and Fee Adjustments

A 100 percent refund of tuition and refundable fees is made if a student officially drops from a course prior to the course’s census date. There is no refund if the student withdraws from a course after the published census date.

Applicable tuition and fees are charged for any course added by a student prior to the course’s published census date.

Withdrawal from the College

Students can withdraw from the College by contacting the Student Services Center. No refund is made for withdrawals after the census date except as mandated by federal financial aid regulations. Unused portions of scholarships and other financial aid are canceled upon withdrawal. Students withdrawing from LCC must go through a checkout process with Student Services. For more information on withdrawal, see the Academic Affairs  section.

Tuition/Fee Reimbursement for Emergency & Military Personnel

In times of emergency, certain students (e.g., reserve military units, individuals with specialized skills, or firefighters) are called to provide services to the country. When the call for service or national emergency is issued, it is often necessary for students to interrupt their coursework in mid-semester without advance notice. LCC recognizes that normal refund and withdrawal policies may not be appropriate and allows the following exceptions.

  1. LCC offers to reimburse tuition paid or credit the current term’s tuition to a future semester’s tuition charges for reservists called to active status during times of national emergency.
  2. LCC waives any fee for breaking room and board contracts for reservists called to active status during times of state or national emergency. In addition, LCC refunds a prorated amount paid for room and board based on the date the individual leaves the residence hall.

Documentation of official TDY assignment is required and must be approved by the Executive Dean of Academic Services.

Result of Nonpayment

The College reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of students who do not meet their financial obligations to the College. The Student Services Center cannot release degrees, certificates, or transcripts to any student or former student who has a financial obligation to the College.