Feb 06, 2025  
College Catalog 2018-2019 
College Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid


Students who feel they may need additional resources to fund their educational costs are encouraged to apply for financial assistance. The Financial Aid staff make every effort to utilize state, federal, and private resources effectively to meet a student’s documented need. Student financial aid is awarded after the student has been accepted for admission and has completed the financial aid application process. It is recommended that a student complete all necessary financial aid paperwork prior to enrollment for the upcoming semester. The priority date for applying and completing all paperwork to secure financial aid for the fall semester is April 1. However, students are welcome to apply for financial aid after April 1. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for priority dates for spring and summer enrollment.

Lamar Community College complies with all Title IV financial aid regulations of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended. For more information related to the Title IV financial aid regulations, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 719.336.1590.

For more information on financial aid procedures, options, and student responsibilities at Lamar Community College, consult the LCC Financial Aid Handbook  available online (http://www.lamarcc.edu/admission/paying-for-college/financial-aid/).

Applying for Aid

Lamar Community College utilizes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for determining the student’s eligibility for all financial aid.  Students should complete the FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov .  The FAFSA application may be completed after October 1 (recommended:  after tax returns have been filed). 

The most important part of the financial aid process is the student’s timely response to requests for information, which are sent to student email accounts. Many times students respond to the initial request and assume the application is complete. However, occasionally it may be necessary to provide additional information. It is strongly recommended that students respond to all requests for information as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays in the financial aid process.

Financial Aid Options

Lamar Community College offers multiple financial aid resources to help students and parents meet a student’s documented need. The four types of aid resources include: 1) grants, 2) work-study programs, 3) loan programs, and 4) scholarships.


Grant awards do not have to be repaid. By completing the application procedures previously mentioned, students are automatically applying for consideration for the following grants.

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Pell Grant award amounts are determined by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants

These need-based awards range from $100-$4,000 per academic year at LCC and are only available to students with a FAFSA EFC of zero.

Colorado Student Grants

Open to Colorado residents, the minimum award amount for the year is $500 per semester.  This amount may be prorated to enrollment level.


Federal and State funds are utilized to provide part-time employment opportunities for qualified students. Students may work up to 20 hours per week and earn between $1,000 and $3,000 for an academic year. Awards are based on the evaluation of the student’s financial need and the needs of campus departments. No-need work-study funds also are available to Colorado residents. Students do not have to document financial need to receive these funds. Interested students should contact the Office of Financial Aid.


Federal Stafford Loans-Subsidized and Unsubsidized

Students must complete the FAFSA to receive consideration for a Stafford Loan. A separate loan application is required. Students borrowing on these programs have a yearly maximum borrowing limit. The subsidized and unsubsidized portion of the annual loan limit for an individual student is based on the evaluation of the student’s documented need, financial aid status and aggregate student loan debt. 

Federal PLUS Loans

The Federal Direct PLUS Loan program (Parent Loans for undergraduate Students) is designed to assist parents in providing their contribution to educational costs. Eligible parent borrowers may borrow up to the amount of the student’s estimated cost of attendance less any other financial aid awarded during the academic year. A separate application and credit check are required.


LCC offers a variety of scholarships for students of all types, ages, majors, and places of residency.  Every year there are unused scholarship dollars, so don’t wait - apply.  These scholarships are funded through the college, the LCC Foundation, and other state and community organizations.  Students are encouraged to discover scholarship eligibility by:

  • Looking at https://lamarcc.edu/admission/paying-for-college/scholarships.
  • When you find something you want to apply for, click the apply online links on the page.
  • Once in the online application, you can apply for multiple scholarships at one time and submit common documentation as well as scholarship-specific required materials.
  • You don’t have to finish the application in one sitting.  You can save an application in process.  To do that, just create a password and save the application link, so you can go back to finish the un-submitted application.  You can also have the link emailed to you so you can easily go back. 
  • Remember to submit the entire application with required documentation on or before the scholarship deadline(s) to be considered for funding.
  • If you have problems submitting the form or required materials, contact the LCC Student Service Center (719.336.1590) or the LCC Foundation office (719.336.1520).  Additional required documents can be emailed to aid@lamarcc.edu

Reporting Changes

All students should notify the Office of Financial Aid of any changes in their financial situation, marital status, residence, class standing, or any other factors that can reasonably be construed to have a bearing on their financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students applying for and/or receiving Title IV financial aid are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress consisting of meeting cumulative GPA requirements and the cumulative credit completion rate. Failure to perform at established levels may result in students becoming ineligible for financial aid. LCC follows to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards established by the U.S. Department of Education and the Colorado Community College System.  CCCS policy is located at http://www.cccs.edu/state-board/policies-procedures/


Any student may present a written appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee if the student has been denied aid for any reason. Further information on the appeals process may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid or from the LCC Financial Aid Handbook .

Fraudulent Receipt of Funds

If LCC suspects that a student, employee, or other individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, the college will report evidence to the Office of Inspector General.