Oct 24, 2024  
College Catalog 2010-2011 
College Catalog 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Getting Started

Getting the right start in college can be critical to a student’s academic and lifelong success. Students should read and understand the following policies and guidelines for admission and registration to ensure the best beginning at Lamar Community College. Contact the Student Services Center at 719.336.1590 with any questions.

Admission Policies

Lamar Community College welcomes anyone who can benefit from its instructional programs and courses, including all high school graduates and non–high school graduates 16 years or older. Admission to the College does not guarantee enrollment in specific courses or programs that may have prerequisites or program admission requirements. Applicants with special program admission requirements should contact appropriate divisions. Students younger than 16 may attend with special permission of the president.

The College also admits currently enrolled high school juniors and seniors wishing to participate in the Postsecondary Enroll ment Options Program (PSEO). Such students are admitted after approval has been received from the high school and the appropriate college administrator.

Application Procedures

All students must submit Applications for Admission declaring programs and majors of study and immunization records to Student Services prior to registration. This is the Uniform Application form used by the Colorado Community College System and may be obtained at www.lamarcc.edu, from high school counselors, or from the College.

In-State Students

All students applying to LCC as an in-state student, are strongly encouraged to begin by registering for the College Opportunity Fund at https://cof.college-assist.org/cofapp/default.aspx. See the Tuition and Fees  section for more information on the College Opportunity Fund.

High School Graduates Entering College

  1. Submit completed application form and immunization records to Student Services.
  2. Request that the high school forward final official transcript.

High School Students Participating in PSEO

  1. Submit completed application form and PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) Statewide Agreement Contract to high school contact.

Service Area High School Graduates Entering College with PSEO Credit

  1. Submit change of major form and immunization records to Student Services.
  2. Request that the high school forward final official transcripts.

General Education Development (GED) Certificate Students

  1. Submit completed application form and immunization records to Student Services.
  2. Submit a copy of GED test scores.

Home-Schooled Students

  1. Submit completed application form and immunization records to Student Services.
  2. Submit results of a nationally standardized achievement test.
  3. Submit transcripts from any high schools attended.

Re-Entering Students

  1. Students who are returning after an absence of more than one year must complete a new application form.
  2. If considering transferring credit hours from another institution, read “transfer students” section.

A student who has a break in enrollment of two consecutive semesters or more, excluding summer, must meet catalog program requirements in use at time of readmission. If Lamar Community College has discontinued or has given notice of discontinuance of the program in which the student was previously enrolled, the student cannot re-enroll in that program.

Transfer Students

  1. Submit completed application form and immunization records to Student Services.
  2. Request that each college or university previously attended send official transcripts to Student Services.
  3. See additional information below.

Transfer students who request credit for previous work at other institutions must submit an official transcript of all previous college work to Student Services.

Students on academic probation or suspension from another college may be admitted with probationary status. After completion of one term with satisfactory academic progress at LCC, a student is no longer on probation.

College Credit Earned While Student is in High School

Students who complete college-level courses at a college or university while attending high school may be allowed college credit providing the following conditions are met.

  1. The college or university must be fully accredited and courses presented for credit must be transfer level.
  2. Normally, the courses must not have been used for high school graduation unless prior agreement has been made between the high school and the college.
  3. If the high school and the college enter into a formal written agreement in accordance with the State of Colorado’s Post Secondary Enrollment Options Act, both the high school and the college may allow credit.
  4. Student must request the college or university to send an official transcript showing the courses completed.

Students should direct further questions relating to the granting of college credit to the Student Services Center.

Transfer of Credit from Accredited Institutions

Academic courses from other accredited institutions are generally accepted in transfer to LCC. Courses not equivalent in content to courses at LCC can be accepted as elective credit. Only courses indicating a grade of C or higher transfer.

The College accepts courses for transfer completed at an accredited college or university or other approved institution within 15 years before admission to Lamar Community College. Natural science courses, psychology courses, and computer courses must have been completed within the last 10 years.

Courses accepted in transfer to LCC may not all count toward a specific degree or certificate. Departmental requirements for the various associate degrees or occupational certificates vary considerably, and therefore, the department head for a particular program determines what courses students must complete to satisfy departmental curriculum requirements.

Only credit earned in nontechnical subjects is initially accepted from technical institutes that are accredited by a regional collegiate accrediting association. LCC does not accept credit from unaccredited technical institutes, business schools, or other post-high school institutes.

A student has the right to appeal the nonacceptance of transfer credit by following the academic grievance procedures listed in the Student Handbook .

Transfer of Credit from Unaccredited Institutions

LCC does not accept credit from institutions that a regional accrediting association does not recognize or accredit.

International Students

International students are required to submit to Student Services the following:

  1. LCC Application for Admission.
  2. International Student Statement of Financial Support.
  3. Official copy of high school transcripts in English (graduation should be identified).
  4. Current bank statement with two years educational funds from the student, parent, government or private sponsor.
  5. TOEFEL score (450 or higher) and any other proof of language proficiency.
  6. Proof of health insurance.
  7. Copy of immunization record.
  8. Any transcripts for prior college coursework.

An Application for Admission can be obtained through the LCC Student Services Center or on line at lamarcc.edu. Federal law authorizes Lamar Community College to enroll non-immigrant alien students who must submit acceptable evidence of his/her ability to pay the costs of his/her education, living, and traveling expenses and English proficiency by supplying the documentation above.

International Students Transferring to LCC

In additional to the above required documents, international students transferring an I-20 from another U.S. college or university to LCC must submit additional documentation to Student Services, including:

  1. Copy of student’s current I-20.
  2. International Student Transfer Form with the lower section completed by the Designated School Official (DSO) at the institution the student is transferring from with stated eligibility and transfer release date.

Immigration Status

Applying for and maintaining immigration status is the responsibility of the student; Lamar Community College assumes no responsibility for any immigration requirements. The LCC International Programs Office offers an International Orientation at the start of each semester and all new international students are required to attend the Immigration Session designed to assist with understanding and meeting the regulations of their status. Students can also receive guidance from the International Programs Office regarding changes or issues with their immigration status throughout the semester.

Living Arrangements

International students who are under 21 are required to live in the LCC Residence Halls. They should be aware that residence halls are closed during Christmas and summer breaks, and they are required to make alternate living arrangements during those periods.


LCC cooperates with the Veterans Administration and with the Colorado State Approving Agency for Veterans Education and Training. The College is approved for training of veterans under all applicable laws. Veterans or eligible persons are cautioned to obtain proper counseling and to complete proper registration to assure their courses of study are approved curricula.

Student Classification

  • Full-time students are those enrolled for twelve (12) or more semester hours of work each semester.
  • 3/4-time students are those taking between nine and eleven (9–11) semester hours of work each semester.
  • Half-time students are those taking six–eight (6-8) semester hours of work each semester.
  • Below half-time students are those taking five (5) or fewer semester hours of work each semester.
  • Degree-seeking students declare an intent to complete a certificate or degree in a specific program of study.
  • Non–degree-seeking students do not pursue a degree or certificate.
  • Sophomores are those who have successfully completed a minimum of thirty (30) semester hours.

Motor Vehicle Registration

LCC students who plan to park on campus must register all vehicles, including trailers, with the College. Parking stickers are available through the Cashier in the Student Services Center.

Identification Cards

The College issues photo I.D. cards to full-time and part-time students upon request. These are needed when checking materials out of the Library and for free admission to most College-sponsored events. Cards are valid for two academic years and are available through the Student Services Center. An additional charge is assessed for duplicate cards.


New students are strongly encouraged to attend orientation activities prior to registration and start of classes. During the week preceding the fall and spring semesters, students have the opportunity to meet faculty, staff, and classmates while touring the campus or participating in an orientation session. Students also can take advantage of academic skill brush-up sessions, take basic skills assessments, confer with an advisor, and register for courses, so that when students arrive on campus they are able to begin preparing for the start of a successful semester. Activities are available at various times. LCC recommends that students take full advantage of this opportunity to get a head start and participate in LCC-sponsored activities to welcome students.

Available Throughout Week as Needed

Basic skills assessment Campus tour
Advising Writing brush-up
Registration Reading brush-up
General orientation Math brush-up

Basic Skills Assessment

An important part of a student’s orientation to LCC is the basic skills assessment process. To ensure that students are ready for college and the workplace, LCC complies with C.R.S. 23-1-113.3. which requires that new students demonstrate basic skill proficiencies in reading, writing, and mathematics. The assessment requirement may be met through ACT, SAT or college-administered Accuplacer tests. Most students must meet the assessment requirement including the following:

  • All first-time undergraduates who are degree-seeking or who convert to degree-seeking status.
  • All first-time students ages 17, 18, or 19 (as of September 15 of the year of entry) whether high school graduates or not.
  • All first-time degree-seeking students (certificate students not meeting the cutoff scores are encouraged but not required to take advantage of the remedial services offered through the College).

Students whose assessment scores do not meet the minimum cutoff scores established by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) are responsible for completing basic skills instruction during their first thirty (30) credit hours of attendance at the college. Those cutoff scores are as follows:

  • Mathematics—ACT 23, SAT 460, Accuplacer 85
  • Writing—ACT 18, SAT 440, Accuplacer 95
  • Reading—ACT 17, SAT 430, Accuplacer 80

Students wishing to complete basic skills testing prior to arrival at LCC should contact a tutor coordinator for assistance to identify qualified testing sites.


Students with a documented disability may be eligible for reasonable accommodations for the purpose of taking the basic skills assessments. A request for accommodation, accompanied by appropriate documentation, must be filed with the Special Populations Coordinator at least one week prior to assessment day. For more information, contact Special Populations.


An important part of getting started and keeping in line with educational goals is meeting regularly with a college advisor. Student Services assigns faculty advisors to all degree and certificate-seeking students and recommends that students work closely with advisors to plan their academic futures. Other students may request to be assigned an advisor. Assignments are made on the basis of the information reported on the application for admission.

Although students are responsible for reading the LCC Catalog and understanding the curriculum requirements for their majors, LCC encourages students to work directly with their assigned advisors to assure academic requirements are being fulfilled toward their degrees or certificates.

All changes of educational objectives must be made through Student Services. If a student wishes to change advisors, he or she must complete a Change of Advisor form, obtained in the Student Services Center.

Student Responsibilities in the Advisement Process

The student is expected to

  • assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and successful completion of graduation requirements;
  • attend general and program orientations;
  • be knowledgeable about and adhere to relevant policies, procedures, and rules of the College and academic program;
  • access and understand the college catalog;
  • obtain the class schedule and review possible course options prior to meeting with the advisor;
  • be prepared with accurate information and relevant materials when contacting the advisor;
  • contact an advisor in a timely fashion for registration, advisement, or other necessary appointments;
  • know and follow General Education requirements and major department requirements;
  • obtain, process, and complete forms and signatures required for registration, course changes, or related affairs;
  • contact an advisor immediately with concerns about academic progress in a particular class or during the course of the semester;
  • monitor his/her progress with advisor’s assistance;
  • request/complete a “change of advisor” form if desired;
  • explain to the advisor his or her personal values, abilities, interests, and goals;
  • maintain frequent contact with his or her advisor in order to keep abreast of academic information;
  • be honest and ethical in interactions with the advisor;
  • seek relevant information about career options and how they relate to a chosen educational program;
  • file a written and complete degree plan with advisor;
  • follow through on degree action plans identified during each advising session;
  • consult advisor at least once a semester to decide on courses, review progress toward degree requirements, and discuss the suitability of other educational opportunities provided by the College;
  • when informally advised by someone other than official advisor, inform advisor of record of information received.


Registration is a crucial element of the academic process. It is LCC’s practice to devote as much time as necessary to preregistration and registration advising to help students select and pursue an educational program consistent with abilities and goals.

All students are expected to register in periods designated in the college calendar up to and including the first week of classes. After the first week of classes, course addition requires the approval of the instructor. Classes cannot be added after census date. Students must complete the steps in “Getting Started” under Admis sions Procedures to be eligible for registration. The Student Services Center provides registration directions intended to provide guidance.


All LCC students who plan to attend the following semester should meet with faculty advisors during preregistration. Benefits of preregistration include bypassing long lines, ensuring class availability, and having the option to return to campus on the first day of scheduled classes. Students are encouraged to contact their advisors to assist them with course selections. Students may use the following course registration methods.

Convenient Registration Options

  1. In person Stop by the Student Services Center in the Betz Technology Center during business hours. With admissions, financial aid, advising, bookstore, and cashier assistance just steps from each other, it is a quick and convenient trip. To make an appointment to meet with an advisor, please call the Student Services Center at 719.336.1590.
  2. On line Need after hours help or can’t make it to the main campus? Apply for admission and enroll in classes on line at www.lamarcc.edu.
  3. By mail Send the completed application and registration form with tuition payment to: LCC Student Services, 2401 S. Main Street, Lamar, CO, 81052.
  4. By fax Fax application materials and/or a completed registration form to 719.336.2400. Student Services processes the paperwork.

Student Records

Student Services maintains student educational records including documents related to academic standing, admission applications, high school and college transcripts, test scores, and grades. LCC recognizes and acts in full compliance with the regulations set in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended. For more information on FERPA and definitions for italicized terms (see the Legal Notices  section.)

Student and Parent Rights

Student Services maintains official education records and documents pertaining to a student’s academic standing (admissions application, high school and/or college transcripts, test scores, grades, and academic standing reports).

Eligible students and eligible parents may review the student’s education records; seek amendment for inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy rights; consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records which require consent; and file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by LCC to comply with the requirements of FERPA. (see the Legal Notices  section.)

Procedure for Requesting Student Records

An eligible student or parent wishing to review the student’s educational records must complete a “Request for Student Records” form available in the Student Services Center. Records are duplicated at a cost of $2.00 per sheet, not to exceed $50.00.

Per FERPA, the College

  1. provides a copy of a student’s educational records;
  2. makes arrangements for inspection of the requested records; or
  3. presents an explanation if circumstances prevent the review of a student’s educational records.

The College complies with the request within a reasonable time frame not exceeding 45 days.

Procedure for Amending Records

An eligible student or eligible parent who believes the education records that relate to a student contain information that is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy, must submit a written request to the Registrar who decides whether to amend those records in accordance with the request. (Denied requests may be appealed under Sec 99.21 of FERPA.)

Releasing Student Record Information

The College may disclose personally identifiable information and directory information if the disclosure is 1) to other school officials within the College whom the institution has determined to have legitimate educational interests; 2) to officials of another school system, or institution of postsecondary education where the student seeks or intends to enroll; 3) to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States; the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education or a representative thereof; or State and local educational authorities; or relates 4) to financial aid for which the student has applied and/or received, and if the information is necessary for such purposes as to a) determine eligibility for the aid; b) determine the amount of the aid; c) determine the conditions for the aid; or d) enforce the terms and conditions for the aid.

Students wishing to restrict the release of directory information to the public without prior consent must provide a notarized written statement to Student Services within 10 days of the beginning of any academic term.

Record Retention

Records of applicants who do not register for the term for which they have been admitted may be retained for 30 days from the opening of that term, at which time those records are discarded unless the applicant has notified Student Services of continued interest in attending the College.


Official transcripts are issued by Student Services at the request of the student for no charge ($5.00 charge for fax requests, expedited mail requests may incur additional charges; check with Cashier for pricing). Students owing money to the College are not issued transcripts until all financial obligations have been cleared. Upon graduation, students are entitled to one transcript without charge. Students may request transcripts from Student Services, or at www.lamarcc.edu by visiting the “current students” or “alumni & friends” sections.